
September 11, 2014

book covers.

Hi there. It's good to be back again. I've been reading up on book cover designs, and I'd like to share some of it with you.

PBS has an interesting article on Peter Mendelsund, designer for Alfred A. Knopf, who just released two new books--Cover and What We See When We Read.

Covers by Peter Mendelsund via

Another great article on a new found site called It's Nice That featuring Richard Bravery, an art director at Penguin Books.

Illustration by Cleon Peterson

Illustration by Georgia Hill

It's Nice That is a lovely site dedicated to creativity, art and design. 

Let's take a moment to talk about The Casual Optimist. Er...The Accidental Optimist. I can't believe this is the first time I'm posting about it. I get The Casual Optimist mixed up with The Accidental Optimist, but I think they are the same people--one is the tumblr and one is a site, or...vice versa. They have a constant stream of amazing graphic design, book covers and art.

Design by Rodrigo Corral Design; Photo Demurez/Glasshouse 
(Henry Holt/September 2014) via The Casual Optimist

While we're on the subject of covers, let's turn our attention to records and the wonderful blog Symphonie Fantastique by the Seattle-based Jive Time Records. Focusing mostly on modern classical music and how it was interpreted by cover illustrations, the designs they post are stunning. You can experience these for real at Amoeba Records. Back in the classical nook, the still have rows and rows of vintage vinyl.

On another note (pun intended--I love puns), music is still making me happy. Specifically the new albums by Nashville-based singer Otis Gibbs...

 ...and hometown boys Hold Steady, who are back in the Twin Cities playing the Replacements reunion show. Sadly, I am not going, but my brother and his wife are. Plus my friend Sara nd my friend Doc, who flew out from L.A. for it. I had better get a T-shirt out of all this.

Last weekend, I was excited to attend one of the final productions of "Lear" at the Theatricum Botanicum nestled in Topanga Canyon.

I suppose you could file this under "I can't believe I never..." because I can't believe this was my first time attending a production at this legendary theater. My friend and date Vivian couldn't believe it either. She was excited because, while Shakespeare's comedies are widely performed around the city, his tragedies are not.

Melora Marshall as the Fool and Ellen Geer as "Queen" Lear

I hadn't read or seen King Lear before, so this was a first, too. Maybe it's a better strategy to go in with an understanding of the play before you're treated to the role-reversal version of it, but...whatever. I got it. Ellen Geer and Melora Marshall, the two actresses who lead the Botanicum company were phenomenal, as was Ellen's daughter Willow Geer.

It was just so cool to sit back in a wooded canyon and watch an A-list production of Shakespeare--complete with an awesome sword fight and someone's eyes getting ripped out. Note: there are still three performances of "Lear" left if you want to check it out.

But I would like to study up on the play a little and see it in its traditional form, so I'll be taking in Ian McKellan (love him, always) in the titular role. You can watch the full production of King Lear at

Mr. Hotness as Shakespeare's King Lear via

OK, I hope you enjoyed this little post. I'll be back next week with something fun about Los Angeles and the movies. Love, Lexa.

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