
June 4, 2015

beth hoeckel.

Hello again. We're already sliding into Friday...where does the time go? It's the first week of June, but it feels like November here in L.A. (love that!), and today we are loving the collages of Baltimore artist Beth Hoeckel.

Heockel's subjects gaze with awe--or just behave like silly humans--against stunning backdrops of nature and the universe. She captures what I love most: a sense for both gravitas and the absurd, all rolled into brilliant works of art. You can read an interview with the artist here and browse her pieces for sale at etsy and Society6. I think I'm going to be investing in a new iphone case very soon.

Moonrise from the Point of View series

April Showers from Point of View

Escape Route from the Evidents Series

Garden of Eden from Evidents

High Seas from the Veil series

Foliage from Veil
All art © Beth Hoekel

A few more things to love:

This swimsuit.

 These photos.

 Pachuca Rosie, Boyle Heights via La Infinita Tristeza

Love that First Fridays is tomorrow night at the Natural History Museum. I still haven't been, but I'm dying to go. The topics include "Finding L.A.'s Hidden Wildlife One Photo at a Time," "The Magic of Math" and "How Birdwatchers Can Save the World." Musical performances include Avid Dancer, Chicano Batman and Hanni El Khatib--his songs have recently been catching my ear.

And in honor of the alluring Mr. Khatib, here is your Song of the Day from his 2011 debut album When the Guns Come Out.

 That's all for today, but I'll be back with more to love soon. xoL

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