
June 18, 2015

love #13.

Hi there. We're back with a Love List (film, music, books) to take you right into the weekend. Let's not waste any time.

1. Love Saul Bass's rejected drafts of The Shining poster, along with Stanley Kubrick's critical notes. I first saw these at LACMA's epic exhibit devoted to the director's career and was reminded of them again.

2. Love these outtakes from the Nevermind photo sessions. The band looks like they're having fun, right? Apparently not. It was freezing, they were exhausted from touring, and Kurt was not a fan of the water. Still--so charming.

Photos (c) Kirk Weddle via Austin Modern Rocks Gallery

3. And speaking of Nirvana, I love this note Dave Grohl wrote to Ian MacKaye when he was a wee lad of 14. So young! Yet so focused. It paid off well for him.

4. Currently loving the retro Surfabilly sounds of Shannon and the Clams. They're playing the Getty Center Saturday night, June 20th. Seriously, take a listen.

Photo by Kaliisa Conlon via LA Weekly

5. Just finished and loved The Girl on the Train. It's been touted as "Hitchcockian," the new Gone Girl, blah blah, blah. It all made me hesitant at first, but Girl is a deft psychological thriller, a tangled web where everyone is delightfully unhinged. Check out the Audible version featuring Sherlock's Louise Brealey.

6. And lists! I love lists. Not exactly proud of it, but there you go. Love this list 50 YA Covers for 2014. I know 2014 was six months ago, and in internet time, that's like 15 years ago. But there is some wonderful design work here demonstrating how sophisticated the YA genre has become.

Design by Tanya Ross-Hughes; photo by Ali Smith
title type by Mario Hugo via The Casual Optimist

7. Love this list, too. Also not the most current "Best of Netflix Streaming" list, but it includes many foreign films, documentaries, unfamiliar titles--and Forrest Gump is not on it--so it gets my vote.

Starting with #100 tonight: House of the Flying Daggers

8. Then I'll be checking out 700 Free Movies Online. There's some amazing and obscure stuff here. A tale of emotional cannibals by Susan Sontag and Five Minutes to Live starring Johnny Cash, Vic Tayback and Ron Howard (ZOMG) jumped out at me right away.

9. OK. Enough with the lists. But one more movie poster! I love the Italian version of Audrey Hepburn's Sabrina.

Design by Ercole Brini via Notebook

10. And finally, I love this photo.

David Lynch and Isabella Rossellini by Helmut Newton

I hope you found something to love here. I'll be back with more soon. xoL

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