
August 12, 2015

dream home.

Hi! Can you believe it's already the middle of the week? I cannot.

I've really wanted to focus the blog more on design, and today I'm kicking it off. I've fallen in love with the stunning home of  David and Yuge Bromley in Byron Bay, Australia. I discovered this magical place on a Down Under site The Design Files.

An artist husband + a fashion designer wife x co-owners of their own store = a completely amaze-balls pad. Of course. I love how the home itself is a work of art. A fearless mix of bold colors and patterns sets the backdrop for a feast of paintings, sculptures and eclectic furniture. It's boho without the clutter, a wild ride of unruly details that creates is own order. I especially love the hand painted linen quilts.  (Via The Design Files by Lucy Feagins.)

All photos (c) Toby Scott via The Design Files

And here's a few more things to love today:

This bag. If you'd like to pick it up for me, I would not object.

This book. A Russian detective novel with a sci-fi twist? Um, yes.

And this painting.

Woman at the Window, 1822, Caspar David Friedrich via Couleurs

That's all for now. I'll be back tomorrow with more to love, xoL

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