
August 19, 2015

starla michelle.


Today we are loving the AMAZING oil paintings of Austin-based artist Starla Michelle. Seriously, I have not stopped swooning since I stumbled upon her work on Pinterest. The explosions of colors, trees dripping with flowers, bead and jewels; animals that radiate all of nature within them. Her paintings are like the magical pictures books, the ones you could page through again and again, always discovering some wonderful, new detail. Plus, when I look at them from afar, they look like embroidery! Love that!

Her latest series mixes letters of the alphabet with corresponding animals. Someone give this woman a children's book deal! You can find Michelle's prints for sale at Anthropologie and Skylne Art Editions.

All art © Starla Michelle

Also loving today:

This collage.

Kurt Nimmo via Just Another Masterpiece

This photo.

Via Ilich

And this book cover.

That's all for today. I'll be back again this week with more to love. xoL

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