
April 27, 2015

oroboro store.

This weekend I discovered the Oroboro Store, a shop in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

I mean--I didn't actually go to Brooklyn--but man, I wish I did. Fortunately for the rest of us non-New Yorkers, they have an online site.

Opened by stylist April Hughes (and formerly known as Beautiful Dreamers), Oroboro carries gorgeously-made clothes, accessories, ceramics and natural beauty products.

Here is just a sampling of Oroboro's beautiful styles:

All images (c) Oroboro Store

A few more things to love on a Monday:

Love this cover for Dostoevsky's Notes from a Dead House.

Love The Minimalist Creations of Sydney designer Peechaya Burroughs. Via Ufunk.

Images (c) Peechaya Burroughs

And here is your Song of the Day, courtesy of one of history's greatest bands.

Hope this all made your Monday a little better. See you tomorrow. xoL

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