
May 11, 2015

portraits of women reading.

Happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend and a lovely Mother's Day. Now back to work. : )

What are we loving today? Portraits of women reading books throughout history. Let's take a look.

Vittore Carpaccio, The Virgin Reading, 1510

Maddalena leggente, Sisto Badalocchio, 1585-1619

Lesende Frau an einem Kamin, 1735, Pierre Parocel

Seated Woman, Jule Adolphe Goupil, 1839-1883

La lecture, Jean Gouweloos, 1868-1943

Woman reading, 1935, Pablo Picasso

Mrs. Graafland-Marres, Robert Archibald Graafland, 1875-1940

Special thanks to A Lady with a Cat's Reading Pinterest board which led me to the blog Reading and Art. Much more art of people reading books there--check it out.

Also loving:

These posters for the upcoming film The Lobster starring Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz.

These covers of Shakespeare plays by illustrator David Gentleman.

And this dress.

Let's all try and have a great week. Love, Lexa.

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