
May 13, 2015

love #12.

Hello, and Happy Humpday! I was having a tough time coming up with a feature today, so I'm just going with a Love List, because as always, there is still so much to love.

Let's not waste any time.

1. LOVE: the prettiest laundry room ever! Who would not want trompe-l'oeil butterfly wallpaper surrounding the washer and dryer? The stunning room was featured in this year's San Francisco Decorators Showcase by Evars + Anderson Interior Design.

2. LOVE: this dress.

3. LOVE: this poster for my friend Brian's band.

Of course, if you have a band made up of designers and art directors, the posters are going to be amazing. If you're in the Minneapolis area, go check out The Melvilles!

4.  LOVE: this cover for Fahrenheit 451 (a book I still need to read--embarrassed!). Includes a real match and spine like a matchbook--be careful with this one, kids.

Design (c) Elizabeth Perez via Buzzfeed

5. LOVE: the NYC photos of Ruth Orkin.

Photo (c) Ruth Orkin, 1950 via OrkinPhoto

6. LOVE: this poster for Jules et Jim, a film I really need to see again.

Images via The Red List

7. LOVE: Matisse.

Seated Young Woman in a Net Dress, 1939 via Fondation Beyeler

8. LOVE: the totes at Stitch and Tickle's etsy shop. This one is a must-have.

OK, I hope you enjoyed today's selection. I know it's a bit of a mishmash, but I just decided to go with it. As always, I'll be back with more. Love, Lexa.

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