
June 24, 2015

khan nova.

Hello! And welcome back.

Today we are loving the collages of Khan Nova, aka Mathieu Saunier, a French graphic design student. I love the idea of the physical visage falling away to reveal twisted surprises and vast landscapes to explore. I discovered these at UFunk, and you can see more of his groovy work on Instagram

All art  © Khan Nova via UFunk

Also loving:

Yesterday, I had the chance to attend a matinee--ON A TUESDAY! I decided on Love and Mercy, the new Brian Wilson biopic starring both Paul Dano and John Cusack as Wilson. Guess what? I loved it.

Two hours can only barely the skim the life of a person, and Love made the wise decision to focus on two crucial times in Wilson's life. I loved how the film dramatized his composing process during the era of Pet Sounds and Smile. I'll never listen to "Good Vibrations" in the same way again.

Excited about Vitality and Verve: Transforming the Urban Landscape, an exhibit hosted by Thinkspace Gallery and the Long Beach Museum of Art this Friday, June 26th. Making down to the LB on a Friday night is no easy task, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Photo by Asia Morris via Long Beach Post

Have you ever been to the Velaslavasay Panorama? If not, you should really check it out. I love this secret L.A. oddity, located in the historic West Adams neighborhood by USC. It's a rehabbed theater with old wooden seats, a pretty garden out back and an Arctic (or Antarctic--not sure) panorama scene upstairs. They show a lot of Polar-themed films, like South, a 1919 silent, part of the Mush! To the Movies!, a series hosted by the L.A. Film Forum. This Friday night, June 26th.

That's all for now. I'll be back on Friday. xoL

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