
October 5, 2015


Hello! Welcome to another week with so many things to love.

This past weekend, I kicked off Shocktober with a bang. Saturday night I visited a Kurt Cobain-themed haunted house, which was...interesting, to say the least. And I also had the pleasure of attending "Last Spookstore," a (mostly) horror-themed art show at one of Downtown L.A.'s most magical places--The Last Bookstore.

Of course, I fell in love many times that night, as I tend to do when it comes to art. But If I had to pick just one, it would have to be the (non-horror) work of Jon Measures. The artist creates mixed media, cityscapes with digital photos, collage and paint, a method that reflects "the layering of history that takes place in cities."

As Measures says on his site:

                    "Although most of my works are urban landscapes, I am interested in 
                     exploring other aspects of our environment that show the structures, 
                     infrastructures and scars of human development. I am fascinated by 
                     the American West. The freeways, power plants, gas stations and fast 
                     food restaurants on the side of the road heading out to the desert or up 
                     the coast of California are at once so familiar and at the same time so alien."

All art (c) Jon Measures

A few more things to love today:

This Van Gogh.

Alley Bordered by the Trees, 1884

This photo of Louise Brooks.

And this chair.

That's all for now. I'll be back this week with more to love.


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