
October 9, 2015

mr. werewolf.

Hello! We're back, we're ready for the weekend and we're loving the fantastically cool paintings of Jakub Rozalski, the artist known as Mr. Werewolf. Rawr.

Juxtaposing scenes of the European countryside in the 1920s-1940s with giant District 9-like robots of destruction, these works--which could be kitschy in the hands of lesser artist--are chilling. The Gargantuan drones are clearly metaphors for Hitler's and Stalin's armies, but the nod to both the past and the future says that the horrors of war transcend time, are rooted deep in the human experience--and we'll be confronted by them again and again.

Also, somebody needs to translate these paintings into a film, because it would be incredible. Do you hear me, Hollywood? Via UFunk.

All art © Mr. Werewolf

Here's a few more (Shocktober-themed!) things to love.

This Día de los Muertos mural.

By Gamma Gallery via Skullspiration

These vintage illustrations.

And these photos of Stanley Kubrick and Jack Nicholson on the set of The Shining.

Photos via The Red List

That's all for now. Have a wonderful weekend, and I'll be back soon with move to love. xoL

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