
April 20, 2015

book covers.

Graham Greene is, and always will be, one of my favorite authors.

My love affair began the first week of my first year of college, when my first professor--a red-headed, pipe-smoking, wee Hobbit-y man assigned my first English Lit. class our first book, The Comedians.

Greene was prolific in a Joyce Carol Oates kind of way, so there's always another novel to look forward to (although his "entertainments," a series of straight thrillers like Stamboul Train, are skippable) and numerous film adaptations--good ones, like Our Man in Havana, The End of the Affair, The Quiet American. (Brighton Rock is currently in my Netflix queue.)

What I also love about Greene novels is that they come in pretty packages. I especially love the Penguin series from the 60s-70s book covers illustrated by Paul Hogarth.

More to love:

Love this geometric skirt available for pre-order from Plenty by Tracy Reese.

I love this recipe for a Golden Beet and Tzatziki Sandwich.

And this recipe for Pear and Pomegranate Salsa

Love this list: 11 Thrilling Books for People Who Don't Read Thrillers.

Wear a little planter around your neck--love this!

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