
April 17, 2015

love #10

TGIF! It's Friday, and I could not be happier. Got a lot going on, but that doesn't mean I can't fire off a quick Love List. I hope you enjoy it--and have a fabulous weekend!

1.  Love The Skate Girls of Kabul, a photo essay by Jessica Fulford-Dobson in association with Skateistan, an organization that seeks to educate and empower Afghani youth through skateboarding. They have also extended their efforts to Cambodia and South Africa. i think this is AMAZING! The series is on view at the Saatchi Gallery in London until April 28th.

 All photos (c) Jessica Fulford-Dobson

2. Love this 1972 Penguin cover for The Great Gatsby.

3. And speaking of Gatsby, love this T-shirt.

 Via Thug Life

4. Love the blog Global Pillage. It's simply one man's collection of found photos, but it's endlessly fascinating.

Photos via Global Pillage, authors unknown

5. Love the new Stardust Collection by Pamela Love.

6. Love spy movies and the UK TV series MI-5, so I'm super excited for Spooks: The Greater Good. You'll come for Kit Harrington (Jon Snow on Game of Thrones), but you'll stay for for Peter Firth as Sir Harry Pierce. It releases in early May--and it better not just be in the UK, people.

7. Speaking of spy movies, I love this minimalist poster for The Imitation Game by UK designer Matt Needle from his series "Oscar Bait 2014."

Design (c) Matt Needle

8. Love the collages of Peter Campbell.

Art (c) Peter Campbell via Society 6

9. Love that Artists and Fleas is this weekend in downtown L.A. Swing by between 11 a.m.-5 p.m., grab a bit at Guerilla Tacos and a cold brew at Blue Bottle. Sounds like the perfect Saturday.

Photo via Artists and Fleas

10. Love that For Love and Lemons is having an additional 40% off Online Warehouse Sale. Use code: BFF, get yourself a trendy maxi dress, and then go hang around a vintage airstream trailer. That's what all the cool kids are doing.

Photos (c) For Love and Lemons

Oh yeah--it's also Festival of Books weekend! See you on Monday! Love, Lexa.

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