
May 18, 2015


Happy Monday! Sorry I've been away for a few days, but sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. But let's not waste any more time with excuses. Here are some beautiful blooms to brighten your Monday.

As you may know, I'm a longtime love of flowers. I'm also embracing a newly-found love of installation art. Put those two together, and what happens? I go gaga--specifically for the floral installations of Rebecca Louise Law. The UK-based artist has received numerous commissions for her spectacular creations around Europe, including The Royal Opera House, the Chelsea Flower Show, Art Basel Switzerland and numerous fashion designers.

Her latest installation, created with over 16,000 flowers, premiered this winter in the Viacom Building in Times Square. Take a look--and try not to be overwhelmed by the bliss.

All images (c) Rebecca Louise Law

You can see more of Rebecca's incredible work here, here and here.

So, I think I've mentioned this before: I'm not a big lingerie fan, even though I write about it for a living. A paradox? Perhaps. But it means I know a "sexy surprise" when I see one. And the real live flower lingerie by Lucy Summers Living is just that. Adorning your bosom and your booty with fresh flowers? Wowza.

Whether you're the sexy minx revealing these lovely creations--or unwrapping them from a handsome suitor--dressing up in flowers is just a smashing idea. You can't deny it--don't even try.

Of course, the drawback is that these pieces last 48 hours, so it's two nights of floral fun max. But like everyone says about lingerie--it all just ends up on the floor anyway. : )

All images (c) Lucy Summers Living

One more floral fantasy to love: the collages of Dutch artist Anne Ten Donkelaar. Using pressed fresh flowers, twigs, cutout photos and pins, Donkelaar create the most wonderfully intricate 3D collages--or gardens--behind glass. In her artist statement, she says:

"My finds inspire me. While looking at them I can invent my own 
stories about their existence and their lives. By protecting these 
precious pieces under glass, I give the objects a second life and 
hope to inspire people to make up their own stories about them."

 All images (c) Anne Ten Donklear

I hope this added a little brightness to your Monday. I don't know where you are, but we've got some serious Gray May action going on here in L.A.

Have fun, and see you again soon. Love, Lexa.

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