
September 12, 2015


Well. well. Here we are again.

Today we are loving the landscape paintings of Claire Sherman. These subtly abstract works remind me of one of my first college writing assignments: find a square inch of ground and write about out. Sherman focuses on fragments of nature with gradient colors and a variety of brushstrokes, giving the micro scenes a new perspective--sometimes desolate, sometimes richly detailed--and at times a juxtaposition of both. They are delicate, little worlds all their own. As the artist states:

               "It is less about representing a specific place, and more about how 
                paint can create an experience of a space that is both alluring and 
                terrifying. My interest is in a space that falls apart as it begins to 
                congeal and questions our relationship to the conventions of landscape.”

See more of Sherman's beautiful work at her site. Via Art Fucks Me.

Some great art shows tonight if you're looking for Saturday night fun in Los Angeles.

The David Kordansky Gallery is showing "Ricky Swallow /SKEWS/."

" Jamison Carter: A Cold War" is premieres at Klowden Mann.

And the George Billis Gallery presents "Sarah Williams: Flyover Territory."

Click on the links for locations and times. I have to get ready to go out! xoL

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